Group Details - nerd-fonts (i686)

72 packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
i686 Extra otf-aurulent-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Aurulent Sans Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-cascadia-code-nerd 2.3.3-3.0 Patched font Cascadia Code (Caskaydia) from nerd fonts library 2023-06-04
i686 Extra otf-codenewroman-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Code New Roman from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-comicshanns-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Comic Sans (Comic Shanns) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-commit-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Commit Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-droid-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Droid Sans Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-firamono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Fira (Fura) Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-geist-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Geist Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-hasklig-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Hasklig (Hasklug) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-hermit-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Hermit from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-monaspace-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Monaspace (Monaspice) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-opendyslexic-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font OpenDyslexic from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra otf-overpass-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Overpass from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-0xproto-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font 0xProto from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-3270-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font IBM 3270 from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-agave-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Agave from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-anonymouspro-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Anonymous Pro (Anonymice) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-arimo-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Arimo from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-bigblueterminal-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Big Blue Terminal from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-bitstream-vera-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Bitstream Vera Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-cascadia-code-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Cascadia Code (Caskaydia) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-cascadia-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Cascadia Mono (Caskaydia) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-cousine-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Cousine from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-d2coding-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font D2Coding from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-daddytime-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Daddy Time Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-dejavu-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Dejavu Sans Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-envycoder-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Envy Code R from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-fantasque-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Fantasque Sans Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-firacode-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Fira (Fura) Code from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-gohu-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Gohufont from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-go-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Go Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-hack-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Hack from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-heavydata-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Heavy Data from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-iawriter-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font iA Writer (iM Writing) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-ibmplex-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font IBM Plex Mono (Blex) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-inconsolata-go-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Inconsolata Go from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-inconsolata-lgc-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Inconsolata LGC from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-inconsolata-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Inconsolata from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-intone-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Intone (Intel One) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-iosevka-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Iosevka from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-iosevkaterm-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Iosevka Term from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-iosevkatermslab-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Iosevka Term Slab from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font JetBrains Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-lekton-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Lekton from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-liberation-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Liberation Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-lilex-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Lilex from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-martian-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Martian Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-meslo-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Meslo LG from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-monofur-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Monofur from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-monoid-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Monoid from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-mononoki-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Mononoki from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-mplus-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font MPlus from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols 3.2.1-1.0 High number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' 2024-04-22
i686 Extra ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-1000-em 2.3.3-1.0 High number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' (1000-em) 2023-06-04
i686 Extra ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-1000-em-mono 2.3.3-1.0 High number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' (1000-em monospace) 2023-06-04
i686 Extra ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-2048-em 2.3.3-1.0 High number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' (2048-em) 2023-06-04
i686 Extra ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-2048-em-mono 2.3.3-1.0 High number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' (2048-em monospace) 2023-06-04
i686 Extra ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono 3.2.1-1.0 High number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' (monospace) 2024-04-22
i686 Extra ttf-noto-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Noto from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-profont-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font ProFont from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-proggyclean-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font ProggyClean from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-recursive-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Recursive Mono (Rec Mono) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-roboto-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Roboto Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-sharetech-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Share Tech Mono (Shure Tech Mono) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Source Code Pro from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-space-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Space Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-terminus-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Terminus (Terminess) from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-tinos-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Tinos from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Ubuntu Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-ubuntu-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Ubuntu from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-victor-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Victor Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18
i686 Extra ttf-zed-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2.0 Patched font Zed Mono from nerd fonts library 2024-05-18